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Configuring administrative permissions

Administrative permissions apply to the entire Meridian Enterprise Server configuration. By default, only members of the local Administrators group on the Meridian Enterprise Server computer and users who are logged on to the server are allowed to modify the configuration. You can grant additional permissions to particular BlueCielo groups to perform specific administrative tasks.

User permissions to individual Meridian Explorer repositories are described in Configuring repository security. User permissions to publish documents and edit rendition properties are described in Security privilege descriptions .

The available roles are described in the following table.

Administrative security roles
Role Description

Application Administrators

Unrestricted access to the configuration. These groups are in addition to the Windows local Administrators group and users who are logged on to Windows on the server.

Repository Administrators

May create and manage Meridian Explorer repositories.

Explorer Administrators

May create and manage Meridian Explorer repository views.

Publisher Administrators

May create and manage publishing jobs and import profiles. The user who registered a document for publishing may also manage it in the Publisher Queue as described in Viewing the Publisher queue.


Import Profile Managers

May create and manage import profiles.

To configure the administrative permissions:

  1. In Meridian Enterprise Server Administration Console, in the System Management group, click Settings. The Application Settings page appears.
  2. In the menu, click PERMISSIONS. The Permissions page appears.
  3. Click EDIT in the item of the administrative role that you want to configure. The SELECT GROUPS dialog box appears and lists the BlueCielo groups that are members of the selected role.
  4. When you are finished editing the role, click OK. The list of groups for the selected role refreshes to show your changes.
  5. Repeat steps 3 to 4 for each role that you want to configure.

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About BlueCielo user administration